Last updated August 2023
Before posting recruitment information on the SIP Listserv, the Presidential Trio must review and approve the request. To submit a request, we need the following (and only the following) information submitted as *a single email with proper attachments:
Name of Investigator
Name of Supervising Faculty Researcher (if student research)
Project Title
Confirmation of Study Approval from Controlling IRB(s) (also, please list the relevant IRBs and approval dates in the body of the email)
Attachment of IRB approval letter(s) (including from participating Tribal Nations)
Consent Form(s)
Write-up of exact study participation invitation to be sent to SIP members for recruitment purposes
(Please NOTE, for example, that we do NOT wish to receive IRB application forms, just the materials we indicate above.)
Moreover, the originating email should come from a current SIP member willing to be accountable to the SIP community for the research recruitment and participation. For new SIP members with whom we are unfamiliar, it may also make sense to receive a supporting email from an established SIP member who can vouch for the investigator(s).
Once the Presidential Trio receives this info, we will confirm the membership status of the investigator(s) and review the materials to determine whether recruitment of SIP members is appropriate.
Please submit your email request to Joseph P. Gone Ph.D. at