Native-to-Native Mentorship Program in Psychology
Seeking Mentors & Mentees for the 2024-2025 Mentorship Program
Apply online by clicking here.

Welcome! The Society of Indian Psychologists (SIP) Native-to-Native Mentorship Program is designed to match Native individuals (students and junior faculty) who are aspiring for careers in any area of psychology (academic, research, industry, public service, clinical, school, or consulting) with Native mentors. We provide training, CEU webinars, and a Native support community to enhance career and personal development.
The program requires a one-year commitment with an option to re-enroll for additional years. Matched participants agree to:
a) Participate in a minimum of four (4) virtual interactions with their mentor or mentee per academic year (2 per semester)
b) Attend the webinar orientation session and the five-part community-building webinar series: On Becoming and Connecting as a Native Psychologist.
c) Attend the annual SIP Retreat/Convention in Logan, Utah, every June.
All Native-to-Native Mentorship Program participants must be Full-Time Practitioners, Retired, or Student Members of the Society of Indian Psychologists (SIP).
Dues ($50, $35, or $10) are assessed annually and must be PAID current for the mentorship year.
Our Current 2024-2025 SIP Mentorship Committee:
Haley Shea, Ph.D., co-chair (Miami Tribe of Oklahoma)
Tina Lincourt, Ph.D., co-chair (Choctaw)
Mark Baez Ph.D. (Mohawk/Pawnee/Coahuiltecan)
Rebecca Foster, Ph.D. (Blackfeet/Dakota)
Tammy Greer, Ph.D. (United Houma Nation)
Shaun Hains (Mètis Nation)
Stephanie Miller, Ph.D. (Mohawk)
Colleen Rice, Student Representative (Prairie Band Potawatomi, Menominee, and Oneida)
Ariel Vaughan, Student Representative (Choctaw)
*****Would you like to join our Mentorship Committee?*****
What do we do? The committee facilitates mentor /mentee partnerships in SIP, creates a 5-part webinar series led by native faculty and professionals, and helps with mentorship programming at the annual retreat and conference.
Information for student committee members: Student committee members are important to our committee and help by connecting with mentees and attending our weekly meetings to share mentee perspectives and needs. You can add serving on the committee to your CV, which could provide experience with service in a professional organization. We are happy to put you in touch with past student members to get more information.
Information for professional committee members: Professional committee members attend weekly meetings and help facilitate mentor /mentee partnerships in SIP, programming for the webinar and annual retreat.
If you have questions about membership or are interested in joining our mentorship committee, please email our Membership chair.

Mentorship Chair: Haley Shea, Ph.D. (Miami Tribe of Oklahoma)
*Email: sipmentorship[at]
*Email address modified to reduce spamming,
please be sure to replace the [at] with an @ when sending